It’s been 26 years since Lin “Spit” Newborn and Daniel Shersty were killed in the desert outside Las Vegas after being drawn out there under false pretenses by a group of neo-Nazi skinheads. It’s been 26 years since parents lost their sons, a child lost his father, and a community lost one of its guiding lights. Twenty-six years since we all found out in the worst way possible just how serious was the threat of white supremacy in our midst.
And now it’s been exactly one year since we publicly announced that production was underway on Murdered on the Fourth of July, a documentary film which will explore the circumstances leading up to and surrounding Newborn and Shersty’s deaths, and the impact they had on both their immediate community and the larger anti-racism movement.
Since then, with the help of many folks, we have made great strides toward our goal of giving this important story the full treatment it deserves. This includes:
- Running a successful crowdfunding campaign in the fall of 2023 that helped kickstart production and build awareness for the project
- Filming nine on-camera interviews, bringing the total to 15 subjects captured on digital video
- Conducting an additional five off-camera interviews and continuing research
- Collecting a growing array of court records, media, photos, videos and ephemera
- Continuing fundraising and development efforts, including applying to half a dozen film funds and grant programs

Along the way, we’ve learned some things. Even though the crime was litigated in both state and federal trials, and those cases are considered closed, there are some anomalies that we’ve found that even those associated with the cases were not aware of–like that previously public court records are now sealed.
So what’s next? We’re taking a pause while we assess the footage gathered so far, map out a rough “script” for the film based on what’s been assembled, and await responses on several funding and development opportunities for which we’ve applied. All of the funds raised in our fall Seed&Spark campaign have been exhausted, and although we have a plotted schedule for continued production, we cannot progress further without securing additional funds. Learn more about how you can support this project and keep us moving forward.
Until then, we’ll be spending the Fourth of July the same way we do every year: By remembering the all-too-short lives and continuing legacy of Spit and Dan.