Leslie LeGere and Lin Newborn on stage

Looking back at 2024 and toward the year ahead

It’s hard to believe almost another year has passed. With 2024 coming to an end, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the progress we’ve made on our documentary in the last 12 months. Although sometimes it feels like production on this project has been moving at a snail’s pace, we’ve managed to get much closer to telling the story of the circumstances surrounding the murders of Lin Newborn and Daniel Shersty, despite limited resources. This includes:

  • Filming interviews with four more subjects, including friends, a former federal prosecutor, and an academic expert on violent extremism
  • Conducting several additional background interviews with friends, colleagues and law enforcement
  • Applying for an assortment of documentary funding opportunities
  • Collecting more photos, videos, artifacts and personal stories of people impacted by the murders
  • Assembling a rough edit of the film to help identify story gaps and additional filming needs

As we’ve made this progress in the editing process, we’re reminded that as much as the film is about tragic loss, it’s also a celebration of the impact these young men had while they were alive, as evidenced in this new excerpt from the in-progress documentary:

To be honest, sometimes it’s challenging to keep pressing on with this project. Potential interview subjects turn down being on camera or ignore outreach. Searches for images or videos to fill in visual storytelling gaps turn up nothing. Grant applications come back rejected. Hard drive space runs out and your editing workstation has a meltdown.

But then, we’ll get a message from someone out of the blue that serves as a reminder why we undertook this endeavor in the first place, like this one from Las Vegas resident Alex V.:

I attended a high school here in Vegas that taught law prep and learned about the case of Lin Newborn and Daniel Shersty and it always troubled me how that ended. I always checked up on the case here and there, even when the other[s] got acquitted, it just always left a feeling of unease and sadness for the victims’ families. With everything going on today, I think making this is crucial for people to learn and appreciate these two souls who lost their [lives] to speak truth and fight racial prejudice.

And, indeed, with reports of hate crimes and violent extremism on the rise again and unease reflected by the current political environment, telling this story and imparting any wisdom we can take away from what happened feels more pertinent than ever.

We will be planning a special virtual event in the new year during which folks will be able to get a sneak peek at even more of the work in progress on the film and ask questions of the filmmaking team (plus special guests to be announced). If you want to be among the first to receive an invite, be sure to sign up for our email list!

(And for those who are so inclined to help us keep this project moving forward with a financial contribution, your tax-deductible donation can make a real impact.)

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